The diagram illustrates this simple procedure. An incision is made in the gum tissue to expose the bone and surrounding inflamed tissue. The damaged tissue is removed along with the end of the root tip. A root-end filling is placed to prevent reinfection of the root and the gum is sutured. The bone naturally heals around the root over a period of months restoring full function.Following the procedure, there may be some discomfort or slight swelling while the incision heals. This is normal for any surgical procedure. To alleviate any discomfort, an appropriate pain medication will be recommended. If you have pain that does not respond to medication, please call our office.

Dr. Ochs is fantastic! I”ve never been to an office before where I walked in with pain and walked out pain free. The Doctor has great bedside manner and staff. After 40yrs of fearing the dentist I have finally found a place I feel comfortable at. – Mr. Joseph Romano.